Server Configuration Backup and Restore Profile in Websphere Application Server
Server Configuration Backup option is supported for the WebSphere Application
Server. However, backing up and restoring of the server configuration must be
at the same version-level of the server
Backup Config
The backupConfig command is a
simple utility to backup the configuration of your node to a file. Before
executing this command make sure that your configuration is in the consistent
state and then synchronize to all the nodes.
By default, backupConfig stops
the server, so it is important to get a consistent copy. You can use the -nostop to prevent stopping the server.
cd to
<WAS_INSTALLATION_ROOT>/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/Dmgr01/bin folder
Then execute ./
The above script
will take backup of the dmgr only, if you want to take backup of the profiles,
then better to run backconfig from WAS_HOME/bin and specify profile name as
option as show below
cd to
./ - profileName
If you
specify a path and file name in [backup_file] the file will be saved in that
location. If not, saved in the same directory as the command backupConfig, with
name as show below.
[was61@test ~]$ cd /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/
[was61@test bin]$ ./ -profileName node -nostop
ADMU0116I: Tool information is being logged in file
ADMU0128I: Starting tool with the node profile
ADMU5001I: Backing up config directory
/opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/Profile01/node/config to file
ADMU5002I: 628 files successfully backed up
The command syntax is as follows: [backup_file] [-nostop]
[-quiet] [-logfile <filename>]
[-replacelog] [-trace] [-username
<username>] [-password <password>]
[-profileName <profile>] [-help]
Restore Config
The restoreConfig command to restore the configuration of
your node after backing up the configuration using the backupConfig command. By
default, all servers on the node stop before the configuration restores so that
a node synchronization does not occur during the restoration. If the
configuration directory already exists, it is renamed before the restoration
The command syntax is as follows: backup_file [-location restore_location] [-quiet]
[-nostop] [-nowait] [-logfile <filename>] [-replacelog] [-trace]
[-username <username>] [-password <password>] [-profileName <profile>]
If the configuration to be restored exists, the config
directory is renamed to profile.old (then profile.old_1, etc.) before the
restore begins. The command then restores the entire contents of the
profile_root/config directory